Monday, January 26, 2009

Bad Sweater Party

We were invited to a "bad sweater party" in December. I had never heard of one but after hearing of it I was determined to have the best (worst) sweater at the party. After searching the internet to no avail I decided I would create the bestest sweater that I could. I ended up cutting out the pattern of the deer and even sewing bells on the sweater. I didnt know I had it in me! Christy decided to wear the sweater that I was "forced" into purchasing for her in Serbia. If there was a vote for the best worst sweaters I think we would have won... sweaters down.


Torrance continues to get bigger by the day. Christy and I both miss being in Reno and close to family, especially Torrance. We only get to see them a couple times a year and it is amazing how fast he picks up on things and how much he changes.

Christmas 2008

Has it really been almost a year since I posted anything???? DANG! Sorry about that. I know everyone is just DYING to see what we have been up too... HAHA!

Anywho.... this year we went to Smith Valley for Christmas. We had a great time and as always it was waaaaaaaay to short of a visit.
This was our holiday photo taken at my parents house in the valley. All this snow came on Christmas day. It was wonderous... lol.

TR and I got matching shirts from the old bald guy... no not Santa... Daddy Don. They are actually really nice... way to go pops!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Every night the 2 little dogs go "inside the octagon" and fight until one cant fight anymore. It is actually quite funny to watch them play. Fenway just sits on Paco and he cant get up, he is quite teh submission specialist.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

New Custom Willie Wangberg Creation

So, yesterday Willie finished workin on our bed. We liked the western style but since we have a sleep number, none of them fit. We decided to build our own. He developed a pattern and began cutting. He used pine and we prepped and stained it. The cowhide we bought on Ebay and stretched it over the head board. It turned out pretty cool and I just love it! Thanks Willie!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Pure hilarity

Fenway and Paco playing makes me laugh

Poker, poker, poker

I have been moonlighting as a poker table building professional. I have now built about 7 tables. It enjoy building tables and it does help to have some supplemental income. It is currently too cold to build in the garage so I guess I will have to wait until it warms up a little.